Thursday, October 23, 2014

Oh My, the Weather!

The talk around Mcmurdo Station has been the weather.  This is my first year down on the ice and the weather has been brutal.  Yes, I expected it to be cold, windy and snowy, but, I didn't expect it to be like that most of the time.  The weather will be sunny, with no wind and of course cold.  One good day has been followed up with 4-5 days of consecutive ugly weather.  Weather conditions here are put into 3 categories:      
                        Weather Condition III

               •Winds less than 48 knots, and
               •Visibility greater than or equal to ¼ mile, and
               •Wind chill temperature warmer than -75°F.
Weather Condition III

                 Severe Weather Condition II
•Winds 48 to 55 knots sustained for one minute, or
•Visibility less than ¼ mile, but greater than or equal to 100 feet sustained for one minute, or
•Wind chill -75°F to -100°F sustained for one minute.

Short video of Severe Weather Conditon II
Severe Weather Conditon II 

Severe Weather Conditon II

We have been in Severe Weather Condition II around 7-10 days in the short time I have been here.  It has been 6 days since an airplane has been able to make it into McMurdo due to weather.  Even when we are in Severe Weather Condition III there has been snow and wind that has prevented the airplanes from departing Christchurch for the ice.  There is no alternate airport if the weather is bad.

                Severe Weather Condition I

•Winds greater than 55 knots sustained for one minute, or
•Visibility less than 100 feet sustained for one minute, or
•Wind chill greater than -100°F sustained for one minute.

No images of Severe Weather Condition I because Mcmurdo has not been to condition I since I have been here.  That is a good thing because during condition I you are not allowed to leave your location.  Where ever you are you must stay put for your safety, it may be work or your room, gotta stay put until conditions change.   However, the airfield and other places close by have been Condition I most of the time when McMurdo goes condition II.

Cold Weather Coat

Time to go outside

FYI - On October 23, 2014 the sunset at 12:54am and Sunrise was at 2:20am.  The next sunset is February 20, 2015 at 1:32am.  Please let the sun shine for days...

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