Saturday, December 6, 2014

Pressure Ridge Tour

I got the opportunity to go on a tour of the pressure ridges near Scott Base.  What a spectacular trip it was, ice spiking 20 to 30 feet into the air, Weddell seals laying on the ice and of course it was windy and cold to say the least.  What is a Antarctic pressure ridge?  A pressure ridge is formed where an ice sheet is broken and one piece rides over the other.  The pressure ridge near Scott Base are formed when the fresh water glaciers meet the frozen sea which is salty.  The sea ice not being as strong as the fresh water glaciers begins to buckle up and a pressure ridge is formed.  These ridges can go on for miles.  There are flags along the route and a guide to make sure we stay were it is safe.

Weddell seals, on the right a Mother and her pup

Green Flag means safe route, just don't stumble left or right

Scott Base

That is me with a ThunderRidge backpack


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